Kamala Harris - President Democrat Candidate
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Protect private insurance. Citizens should not be required to pay for healthcare for noncitizens.
Description: "The idea is that everyone gets access to medical care." [Will people who like their private insurance plans be able to keep them?] "Let's eliminate all that. Let's move on." (Jan 28th, 2019)
Source: CNN Live Video Posted On X By RNC Research
Description: Co-Sponsored S.1804 - Medicare for All Act of 2017 - This bill establishes a national health insurance program that is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. Among other things, the program must: (1) cover all U.S. residents; (2) cover specified items and services, including hospital services, prescription drugs, and dental and vision services; and (3) be fully implemented four years after enactment of this bill.
Source: Congressional Website
Description: "In 2017, [Harris] co-sponsored Sen. Bernard Sanders’ 'Medicare for All' legislation, which would have banned private health insurance and created a government-run system open to everyone, including illegal immigrants. When she ran for president in 2019, Ms. Harris modified her proposal to expand Medicare to allow private insurance to offer a plan in the system. At the end of 10 years, everyone would be enrolled in Medicare, either through a new Medicare plan or one offered by the private insurance system. To pay for the proposal, Ms. Harris proposed taxing Wall Street transactions and imposing a 4% tax on households earning more than $100,000 annually, with specific exemptions for households in high-cost areas."
Source: The Washington Times Article
Description: "Medicare for All — in my vision of Medicare for All, it includes private insurance where people can have supplemental insurance," she told NBC's Vaughn Hillyard after the debate. (This was after she raised her hand at the debate, saying she would eliminate private health insurance. This interview was 6/29/2019.)
Source: NBC News Article
Description: "Harris’ campaign also confirmed this week that the vice president no longer supports a single-payer health care system." (7/27/2024 - Changed position within 100 days of election)
Source: CNN Article
Description: "Harris’ endorsement of Biden’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal this week. The proposal would allow Americans to be taxed up to 44.6% on long-term capital gains if other tax increase proposals are implemented next year... According to the Post Millennial, the Biden-Harris proposal would represent more than a 100% increase on taxes for capital gains. Currently, the highest capital gains tax rate is 20%, while Americans making less than $492,000 per year are only taxed at 15%."
Source: Article
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