Donald Trump - President Republican Candidate
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Catholic & other religious businesses may opt-out of providing services in violation of their faith. Catholic/Christian beliefs do not disqualify judicial nominees.
Description: Signed Executive Order 13798 - Promoting Free speech and Religious Liberty -The order eases IRS enforcement of the Johnson Amendment, which bans churches from engaging in political speech. It also gives relief to companies that disagree with the Affordable Care Act mandate on contraception in health care coverage.
Source: White House Website
Description: President Trump Signs the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty "We're a nation of believers. Faith is deeply embedded into the history of our country. The spirit of our founding and the soul of our nation." Timestamp 3:49 "Today my administration is leading by example as we take historic steps to protect religious liberty in the United States of America. We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore. And we will never, ever stand for religious discrimination." Timestamp 4:51
Source: Posted On YouTube By Trump White House (Archived)
Description: Trump promises to defend religious freedom and the 2nd amendment | 2020 State of the Union "My administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools." Timestamp 1:13
Source: Posted On YouTube By PBS News Hour
Description: Mr. Trump also made a more general pledge during that campaign, about religion. At a Republican debate, a moderator asked whether he would “commit to voters tonight that religious liberty will be an absolute litmus test for anyone you appoint, not just to the Supreme Court, but to all courts.” Mr. Trump said he would, and a new study has found that he largely delivered on that assurance, too. Mr. Trump’s appointees to the lower federal courts, the study found, voted in favor of claims of religious liberty more often than not only Democratic appointees and but also judges named by other Republican presidents.
Source: The New York Times Article
Description: "A large group of Catholics is launching a major Political Campaign against Crazy Kamala Harris. FINALLY! Catholics are literally being persecuted by this Wack Job, just ask the Knights of Columbus. They say that she is the most Anti-Catholic person ever to run for high office in the U.S. This respected group wants ALL CATHOLICS TO VOTE AGAINST KAMALA, and they are 100% correct. P.S. Jewish people are treated even worse, if that’s possible. They are dropping Kamala and the Democrats like flies - And it’s about time!"
Source: Posted On Truth Social By Donald J. Trump
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The issue statements do not necessarily coincide with the views of Candidate Fact Sheet. This candidate fact sheet has been reviewed by a Constitutional attorney & is safe to distribute to churches.